Rounds18 Play Time00:39:34   
Score0 (0.00) Skill0 (0.00) Ratio0.00
Kills0 Deaths0 Suicides0
Kill Streak0 Death Streak0 Team Kills0

# Top Victims You
# Top Enemies Killed
# Top Weapons Kills

# Location Kills


Call Of Duty 2: Team Death Match
Best Score 0.5 Round 2829
Worst Score -0.5 Round 1469
Most Skillful 0.0 Round 38
Least Skillful 0.0 Round 38
Longest Streaks
  #Ended By In Round
Rounds Played
00038 00040 00177 00217 00219 01469 01519 02829 02831

Call Of Duty 2: Deathmatch
Best Score 0.0 Round 39
Worst Score 0.0 Round 39
Most Skillful 0.0 Round 39
Least Skillful 0.0 Round 39
Longest Streaks
  #Ended By In Round
Rounds Played
00039 00041 00178 00218 00220 01468 01520 02828 02830