Rounds99 Play Time00:07:47   
Score-1 (-0.01) Skill0 (0.00) Ratio0.00
Kills0 Deaths0 Suicides0
Kill Streak0 Death Streak0 Team Kills0

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Last 1000 Quotes
i get ip bann i think
je li yna neko kako risit
ok provat cu fala
postavke mi ne ostanu spremljene


Call Of Duty 2: Team Death Match
Best Score 0.0 Round 20
Worst Score 0.0 Round 20
Most Skillful 0.0 Round 20
Least Skillful 0.0 Round 20
Longest Streaks
  #Ended By In Round
Rounds Played
00020 00038 00081 00136 00162 00203 00245 00277 00295 00317 00342 00350 00352 00356 00385 00409 00497 00564 00675 00686 00714 00798 00802 00953 00987 01002 01006 01018 01266 01337 01499 01559 01710 01917 01921 02047 02151 02215 02224 02367 02395 02639 02803

Call Of Duty 2: Deathmatch
Best Score 0.0 Round 19
Worst Score -0.5 Round 355
Most Skillful 0.0 Round 19
Least Skillful 0.0 Round 19
Longest Streaks
  #Ended By In Round
Rounds Played
00019 00021 00051 00057 00077 00117 00164 00166 00170 00312 00340 00355 00458 00638 00644 00670 00676 00685 00689 00713 00726 00883 00993 01135 01245 01363 01557 01651 01657 01658 01695 01709 01749 01808 01836 01862 01863 01914 01953 01997 02012 02055 02082 02112 02225 02259 02325 02386 02411 02528 02549 02587 02671 02748 02771 02804