Round 53 Call Of Duty 2: Team Death Match

Friendly FireOff
Kill Cam
Time Played14:15
Team Kills0
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 xTigershark 17.5 70.0 35 18 0 0 13:38
Call Of Duty 2: Springfield
2 m0i 16.5 70.0 35 19 0 0 13:51
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K Sniper
3 MoMac 11.5 74.0 37 26 0 0 13:45
Call Of Duty 2: Thompson
4 Sidius 9.5 78.0 39 30 0 0 13:48
Call Of Duty 2: PPSH
5 IamNew4 2.5 28.0 14 12 0 0 13:52
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
6 Marapacka 0.5 0.0 0 0 0 0 01:14
7 |EKIPA|JOCA -1.5 4.0 2 4 0 0 13:58
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 Klaonica Jagodanovic 3.5 88.0 44 40 0 0 13:58
Call Of Duty 2: Thompson
2 ^2Fire^6Boy -0.5 4.0 2 2 0 0 01:50
Call Of Duty 2: Greasegun
3 |Neznani|Junak 567 -2.5 46.0 23 25 0 0 13:00
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
4 K-Xeepy -3.5 36.0 18 21 0 0 13:54
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
5 .:GOS:. Terminator -9.5 20.0 10 19 0 0 09:42
Call Of Duty 2: PPSH
6 notor -12.5 18.0 9 21 0 0 13:56
Call Of Duty 2: Mosin Nagant Sniper
7 DMZ*Simbass -14.5 56.0 28 39 1 0 13:58
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
Leaving The Battlefield Early Soldiers?
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 'aKuma.ClanFan | 64 2.0 8.0 4 2 0 0 02:57
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
2 Gomba_GRW_tag<q1 1.0 10.0 5 4 0 0 02:17
Call Of Duty 2: Thompson
3 Razbijac 1.0 16.0 8 7 0 0 03:38
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield
4 |EKIPA|VLADA 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
5 Unknown Soldier 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 04:32
6 ^4Paiin 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:36
7 Phoenix|Fan|8.1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
8 Forest Gump -1.0 8.0 4 5 0 0 02:03
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
9 |Neznani|Junak 867 -2.0 0.0 0 2 0 0 03:06
10 |Neznani|Junak 515 -3.0 26.0 13 16 0 0 10:43
Call Of Duty 2: Thompson
11 m0i -3.0 10.0 5 8 0 0 02:04
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K Sniper
12 hrabrica!? -10.0 10.0 5 12 1 0 08:54
Call Of Duty 2: Springfield
13 rebels001 -11.0 32.0 16 24 1 0 09:16
Call Of Duty 2: Thompson
Klaonica Jagodanovic br
^4Paiin gos na weteran"
hrabrica!? skin
hrabrica!? pa disiiii
hrabrica!? ooeoeoeoeoeoeoeeooeo
hrabrica!? oeoeoeooeoeooeoeeoeooeoe
|Neznani|Junak 515 alo
rebels001 eeeeooož
rebels001 tu sam hrabri
hrabrica!? jel i jocco tu
rebels001 bio je maloprije
hrabrica!? aha
hrabrica!? ma neki haxer rastjero sve sa fenixa
rebels001 vidio sam haha
hrabrica!? ova igrica je ko neko malo selo
m0i lul
hrabrica!? skin jesi dobio rezultate
rebels001 tobni jel to tamara igra ili ti
hrabrica!? ma ja al imam ping ogroman
hrabrica!? hahah
hrabrica!? nego jesi dobio rezultate one
rebels001 stolice?
rebels001 nisam zdrav
hrabrica!? ono za sidu sta si iso
rebels001 ak na to smisli
hrabrica!? aha
hrabrica!? jbt
rebels001 da...
rebels001 nazalost
rebels001 ubijam tugu sad ovdje
rebels001 toni
hrabrica!? reci
rebels001 ajmo na neki przan server
rebels001 ima nas 5
hrabrica!? ajde
rebels001 posaljem ti ip
hrabrica!? moze
hrabrica!? daj na fejs ili wap
hrabrica!? poz ekipa
rebels001 poz