Round 393 Call Of Duty 2: Team Death Match
El Alamein

Friendly FireOff
Kill Cam
Time Played08:56
Team Kills0
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 eSuba.9pikachu** HALL 23.5 84.0 42 19 0 0 08:41
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
2 ProSport 10.5 54.0 27 17 0 0 08:42
Call Of Duty 2: Thompson
3 Stripy 9.5 66.0 33 24 0 0 08:42
Call Of Duty 2: Shotgun
4 LordOfRings 8.5 50.0 25 17 0 0 08:38
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
5 Top1Uganda 5.5 28.0 14 9 0 0 08:41
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
6 siptar -3.5 40.0 20 24 0 0 08:38
Call Of Duty 2: Springfield
7 Prc. -10.5 26.0 13 24 0 0 08:41
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 Rasputin 13.5 66.0 33 19 0 0 08:31
Call Of Duty 2: Shotgun
2 RoyalEnvoy 8.5 68.0 34 25 0 0 08:40
Call Of Duty 2: Shotgun
3 RaksIII -10.5 56.0 28 38 0 0 08:40
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
4 deki -11.5 50.0 25 36 0 0 08:36
Call Of Duty 2: MG42 Bipod (stand)
5 GLS -12.5 20.0 10 22 0 0 08:39
Call Of Duty 2: PPS42
6 Dragomir Despic -13.5 28.0 14 27 0 0 08:38
Call Of Duty 2: Springfield
7 POST I NEMRST -17.5 16.0 8 25 0 0 08:28
Call Of Duty 2: Thompson
Leaving The Battlefield Early Soldiers?
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 prcor 4.0 18.0 9 5 0 0 01:45
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K Sniper
2 vazulne'ni 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
3 Fear 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 01:34
4 chuck norris 0.0 2.0 1 1 0 0 00:18
Call Of Duty 2: Springfield
5 Dont know S#!t abolt COD 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:03
6 Klaonica Jagodanovic 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
7 Phoenix|Fan|8.1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
8 Bob is not BOB 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
9 Kameni^1*^2Momak/^0Bob 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
10 ^4Hax^0on -4.0 18.0 9 13 0 0 04:24
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
RaksIII i tu ces
RaksIII uzet trech
RaksIII jebme ti majke
Top1Uganda ?
GLS stripy, jeben te u celo