Round 131 Call Of Duty 2: Deathmatch
Friendly FireOff
Kill Cam
Time Played16:46
Team Kills0
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 cyRix'' 59.5 198.0 99 40 0 0 16:29
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
Leaving The Battlefield Early Soldiers?
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 Kameni^1*^2Momak/^0Bob 30.0 186.0 93 63 0 0 16:26
Call Of Duty 2: Thompson
2 Sensemann 16.0 152.0 76 60 0 0 16:27
Call Of Duty 2: Enfield Scope
3 Surtric 11.0 108.0 54 43 0 0 16:14
Call Of Duty 2: PPSH
4 aPuciD 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
5 Kid Brewer 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
6 ATJ Komandos 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
7 BEGOVIC 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
8 Bernd -1.0 28.0 14 15 0 0 04:26
Call Of Duty 2: Shotgun
9 Pulutyka567 -2.0 68.0 34 36 0 0 08:39
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
10 Phoenix|TDM|1.2 -5.0 92.0 46 51 0 0 16:17
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
11 Kid Brewer -7.0 4.0 2 9 0 0 01:11
Call Of Duty 2: PPSH
12 |Toujane|Junak 416 -7.0 2.0 1 8 0 0 01:08
Call Of Duty 2: PPS42
13 ausl3nd3r -8.0 44.0 22 30 0 0 05:38
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
14 GALA -8.0 14.0 7 15 0 0 02:12
Call Of Duty 2: British Grenade
15 oyuncu3 -10.0 88.0 44 54 0 0 16:13
Call Of Duty 2: Springfield
16 mim -12.0 58.0 29 41 0 0 09:52
Call Of Duty 2: BAR
17 Rommel Desert Fox -13.0 66.0 33 46 0 0 13:15
Call Of Duty 2: MP44
18 mate 420 -13.0 42.0 21 31 1 0 09:14
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K Sniper
19 te liquide -15.0 92.0 46 61 0 0 16:16
Call Of Duty 2: Shotgun
20 Mr_Cop -18.0 68.0 34 52 0 0 12:17
Call Of Duty 2: KAR98K
Surtric hi
mate 420 jebeni jadnice
mate 420 gadis mi se
Mr_Cop dajte ljudi rijesite ovaj havycamp
mate 420 bolje da cheatere izbace prvo
Pulutyka567 hi all
Surtric hi
mim hoi
cyRix'' ...
Mr_Cop od 11 ljudi 7 su stalno u kampu