Last 1000 Quotes |
omg |
xd |
lol |
wtf |
xdd |
:( |
:D |
kurwa mac |
hahahaha |
:) |
oh god |
xddd |
:P |
XD |
dm? |
fucking camper |
gg |
hahaha |
hi |
kurwa |
gg! |
haha |
hahahah |
this respawn |
? |
WTf |
hah |
hm? |
i was scared |
joca |
nice |
o god |
i beg u |
,3 |
:((( |
I am begging you |
X |
admin? |
again... |
aghahhaha |
ah sry |
ahah |
ahahahha |
ahbarinki |
ahhaa |
ahhaaj |
ahhahaha |
ale tu rozpierdol |
ale widac ze jest przyjebany |
am i winning? |
batu your ping |
baubauba |
brawo jaro |
can you kick him? |
chyba za glupi jestem |
co kurwa |
co za rozpierdol |
deathmatch |
destiny |
dmmf, is some way to get there or only by respawn? |
do you have still orgasm? |
dont camp |
dupasquet |
dushidir |
fevzo |
finally |
fuck your ping |
fucking campers |
g |
gdzie? XD bo serio nie ogarniam |
gg all |
gg all! |
gg bye |
guys? |
haghah |
hahahaa |
hahh |
hahhaha |
he has wh? |
hgahahahahaha |
hi all |
hi reza again :) |
hi romania |
how did you make that? where is the gate |
i am pacifist |
i beg you |
i heard you :P |
i lost my gun |
i swallowed it |
i swallowed this granate sidius |
i wanna hug |
iamnew |
is the worst map I have ever seen |
it was insane |
it was our granate :( |
its fucking no sense |
its no sense |
its so boring |
jahaha |
jak tyle osob gra |
jakos tak wyszlo :D |
japierdle |
joca??? |
jumping is not allowed |
kolejny kurwa |
kruwa mac |
kto |
kurwa ma |
leave me alone :( |
literally |
lola |
middle house |
musze na nie wejsc jakos? |
na chwile przyszedlem |
nice aim |
nice! |
nicee |
niceee |
nie mam pojecia |
niewykluczone |
nk radomlje |
no debil |
no this is joke |
no way |
nooo |
odkoina |
oenika |
of ezel haha |
of my grenate |
ok, dziekuje, bede probowac |
ok, now I see |
on the top the fridge |
paz pls |
please can you kick that shit? |
pls dont kill me more |
prawie |
really? |
repair ping |
revenge :) |
seima |
shut up kiddo |
siema |
sparta leave i beg you |
sry |
thats right :) |
this map |
this map is so shitty |
this respawn is shitty |
too many people |
unks |
what hack he has? |
where :o |
which one? :) |
why everyone plays with trenchgun? |
why this map is still avaiable? |
wlasnie widze xd |
xd4 |
xdd paistun |
xdddd |
yes sir |
you again |
you are fucking cheater |
you are fucking stupid kido |
you are jealous? |
you are only one who has problem |
you are serious guy? |
you are sus |
zaraz mecz ide ogladac |